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Blog Posts

Lavender Field

What lavender and rose flowers can express?

What exactly can express a rose or lavender flower? 
Keep your lips soft during the winter

Keep your lips soft during the winter

In the winter the outside chilly temperature and the inside house dryness make our skin feel itchy and dry.  Our lips are more sensitive and will l...
Loving an eco-friendly soap bar package

Loving an eco-friendly soap bar package

Crafting paper wraps for our line of botanical natural soaps brings so much joy in our studio. We like that the entire process, from the moment the...
Moisturize your skin during the cold season

Moisturize your skin during the cold season

During the cold weather richer skincare products need to be applied on skin to help retain its moisture and remain well-hydrated.

Foot Cream | Botanical Skincare Product

Foot Cream - New product release

Cracked and very dry heel and feet? Not anymore... This lovely peppermint-citrus foot cream, with a hint of tee tree and rosemary, is hand-crafted ...

Why to choose organic and natural skincare products?

Why to choose organic and natural skincare products? Chapter One - Avoid toxic chemicals and promote love for our well-being